Aldelo POS backup
Any loss of data, whether it's a personal computer, handheld device, or business computer brings a lot of stress. Loss of data on a Aloha pos help manual means losing customer transactions, menu settings, inventory, and more.
Luckily, the backup process for **Aldelo** is simple.
## Step 1 ##
Open the Aldelo software.
On the opening screen, select **Back Office**
## Step 2 ##
On the Back Office screen, select **Backup Database**
## Step 3 ##
Select a drive and a location from the menu. We recommend keeping a copy on the computer ***and*** on an external drive. A USB thumb drive works well and can be placed in a safe location easily.
## Step 4 ##
Confirm the backup location on the popup window and then wait for the backup to complete.
Once the database has been backed up, click OK on the following screen.
We recommend backing up the database ***daily***, but weekly is also good. Any backup is better than no backup at all!
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